Additional Services
Capstone Health provides additional services to help our patients and communities access health care and improve their overall quality of life. We are always seeking to expand services based on community needs. Let us know what services you want to see by clicking here.
Community Outreach
Capstone Health has a passionate Outreach team who serves and educates our patients to become equal partners in their health care and increase community awareness of health center programs, services, and needs to improve quality of life. This includes the following:
- Hosting and participating in health fairs
- Partnering with agencies with similar missions
- Providing resources specific to food, utility, housing, & clothing assistance.
For further information or resources, please contact the Outreach team at outreach@capstoneclinic.org.
Case Management
Capstone Health offers case management to connect patients with health care providers, resources, and services. Our case managers serve as patient advocates to support, guide, and coordinate care for patients, families, and caregivers as they navigate their appointments, referrals, and healthcare needs. This includes assistance with the following:
- Specialty Referrals
- Medication Assistance
- Health Education
- Determination of Needs
- Coordination of Services
- Accountability and Support
Insurance Enrollment
Capstone Health has Certified Application Counselors to help answer questions and assist in finding the insurance coverage you need. Insurance enrollment assistance includes Medicaid, Medicare, and Healthcare Marketplace. For assistance, contact the Outreach team at outreach@capstoneclinic.org.
What to Expect at your Appointment:
- Special Enrollment Period options available outside Annual Open Enrollment.
- The application process can typically take up to 30-45 minutes.
- Approval or denial is granted by Alabama Medicaid or Healthcare Marketplace, not by the Certified Application Counselor.
Available Resources:
Alabama Medicaid: www.medicaid.alabama.gov.
Healthcare Marketplace: www.healthcare.gov.
Capstone Health offers transportation services to appointments directly and through partnership with public transportation. This service is no additional cost for the patient.
To schedule an appointment, please call the Patient Services team at 205-686-5113.
What to Expect:
- Handicap & wheelchair accessible vehicles.
- Patients must have a scheduled appointment and be placed on the transportation schedule to reserve a spot for patient transport.
- Liability waiver form must be signed by the patient to be eligible for transportation services.
Capstone Health provides free language services to individuals whose primary language is not English. Qualified interpreters and written information in other languages are available.
Information available in other formats includes the following:
- Written in Large Print
- Audio & Accessible Electronic Formats
- Hearing or Speech Impaired
- Qualified Sign Language Interpreters

Get in touch with us
Use this form to request an appointment or contact a member of the Patient Services Team. If you need to get in touch with your provider after hours, please call us.